
Monday, April 12, 2010

The Big Question

Today, I helped out with children's church where 2 of my daughters were and I got a glimpse of how they see me. Froggy, my 4 year old, draws this wonderful pic of me with a very well-rounded body. Now she is just learning how to draw and all, but it's true. I'm big.

Then Fancy, my 6 year old, asks me a great question on the way out the church doors. "Mommy, why aren't you trying to be skinny like all of us?" Now Fancy can eat all day and is still bony and looks like a toothpick. My reply, "It's not that easy for everyone. And honey please never ask that question to anyone else because it can hurt people's feelings." Did it hurt mine? I have to honestly say no because it just further solidified my decision to get healthy. Now do I need reminding. Yes as we went to McD's for lunch, but here we go.

My main roadblocks to losing weight:

1. I'm a lazy person. As much as I try to justify it by the utter exhaustion of 4 kids, one being a 2 month old who I breastfeed and a hubby who is currently deployed, I'm just plain lazy. I could get so much more accomplished if I would just get up off of my bum and move it.

2. Stress. I'm one of those people who just shuts down and only does the absolute necessities when completely stressed out. Above mentioned 4 children and deployed hubs do cause quite a bit of stress.

Sunday April 11, 2010

Starting Weight: 231 lbs

Week 1 Goals:

1. Eat more veggies and less simple carbs.

2. Get outside and active at least 30 minutes every day.

3. Spend time on something I like (aka scrapbooking) to help reduce stress at least 3 times this week.

Come on and join me!

The Beginning of a Journey

Okay so here goes. I'm a 30 year old mama to the 4 most beautiful girls in the whole world. They are everything to me. The problem- I'm also morbidly obese or like I call it- fat. Now I'm not afraid to say it because I'm just a say it like it is kinda girl. That being said I would never call anyone else fat because not everyone else is comfortable with that term like me.

Now although I can say it and joke about it, I am no longer satisfied with being fat. I'm no longer comfortable wearing size 20 or 22 pants. I'm no longer satisfied with the scale saying I weigh 235 lbs. I want to be comfortable again. Do I want to be a size 2? Not in a million years. I want to be healthy. I want to have energy and keep up with these girls and let them have a mommy they are not embarrassed to have along. Now I'm being honest about this because I grew up with an overweight mama. It's the cold hard truth to say that, but life is life and as humans we are judgemental no matter how hard we try not to be.

So my goal with this blog- journal my efforts and successes and be honest with other mommys in the same boat. I want you to join me in this journey. Why join me? I'm real life. I'm not some exercise junkie with endless amounts of money to pay people to watch my kids while my personal trainer whips my bum in shape. Nope I'm a mommy who wants to quit seeing a muumuu in my future.